If you've been through the major
arpeggios lesson, there's actually not that much more you
need to learn to master their minor counterparts.
Just as major arpeggios use the major triad intervals - 1 3 5 - minor
arpeggios use the minor triad...
Root (1)
- minor 3rd
(b3) - 5th
minor 3rd is one semitone lower than the major 3rd. What this means is,
rather than learning minor arpeggio patterns from scratch, all you need
do is flatten the 3rd in the major arpeggio patterns by one fret
position to get your minor arp.
For example, taking this major pattern...
We can turn it into a minor arpeggio by simply flattening the 3rd...
The root and 5th are part of both major and minor scales and chords,
and therefore arpeggios!
So, let's just have a review of the patterns from the last part to see
how this new minor 3rd interval alters them. Remember, you can get a
more comprehensive, interactive guide to arpeggio patterns using Guitar
Minor arpeggio patterns
So we've only changed one tone in these patterns from the major
arpeggios - the b3.
Test your co-ordination of this by switching between major and minor
arps in the same position.
string root
minor arpeggio patterns
A string
root minor arpeggio patterns
D string root minor
arpeggio patterns
mentioned in the last part, you don't always need to start on that root
string in each pattern. These are just for reference. If a soloing
phrase leads into the b3,
for example, you can continue the arpeggio from that point in whatever
way you wish. Learn the patterns by heart and keep your options open.
Once you've learned these patterns, it's time to work on linking them
together, like we did in the key of G
last time (Rb35)
Remember, the 12th fret notes are the same as the open string notes, so
the pattern is the same from the 12th as it is from open position.
You can break this and other patterns down, apply them in any key and
generate bespoke exercises using this
Minor arpeggio guitar backing tracks
We're just going to take it easy, like in the last part, and explore
the patterns we've learned over the minor backing tracks below. Don't
worry about speed or soloing prowess! Just focus on getting confident
with the fingering for these patterns. You can always build up your
speed using a metronome.
The first is in the key of A minor (which means
the root note of our patterns will be on the note... A)
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