I am a beginner, my problem is that I have quite fat and meaty fingers.
When I play chords I tend to block the down strings and buzz up the bass strings.
Many experts say that it is good to buy a 12 string and string it as a six string.
Do you think that it will help for smooth chord changes and smooth guitar playing?
How to Make Playing Guitar Easier with Large/Wide Fingers
Hi Sambit. Fingers come in many different widths and lengths and as guitarists we have to learn to adapt to whatever nature/God has given us.
The main issue with stringing a 12 string with 6 strings is that 12 string guitars are set up to handle the extra tension from the 6 extra strings. So by only using 6, you may cause neck problems or even damage the neck if it doesn't get set up properly.
If you are to go down that route, take it to a guitar tech so it can be set up to accommodate the right amount of tension, otherwise there may be other playability issues down the road.
I would personally recommend getting used to playing a regular 6 string. Here are some tips to help make the most of your situation...
Buy a wide neck, flat radius guitar
While classical and 12 string guitars naturally have wider necks, there are also wider neck electric and steel string acoustics available.
Look at the nut width to determine the width of the fretboard. The wider the nut, the more space between each string and the less obstruction for your fingers.
Also, you'll benefit from a relatively flat fretboard radius as opposed to a curved radius.
For example, Ibanez' Wizard necks tend to be flatter and wider than, say, most Strat necks. PRS style guitars are also known for their wide necks, as are most hollow body guitars (e.g. ES-335).
Be conscious of these specs (nut width, fretboard radius) when shopping for a new guitar. The manufacturers website usually has the most details spec and ideally try out gear in person at a store if you can.
Keep your fret hand fingers vertical
When fingering chords, many players get into the habit of collapsing back their finger tips.
If you have larger fingers, you need to be more conscious of keeping your fingers vertical against the strings, using more of the actual tip, closer to the finger nail, to fret the string.
To help with this, position your thumb more towards the center of the back of the neck so you have more leverage to curl your fingers over and come down vertically on the strings.
Eventually, you'll develop calluses (tough skin) on your finger tips and muscle memory for whatever positioning you persistently practice so you won't have to think about it as much.
Use one finger to fret adjacent strings
If the chord you're playing requires two adjacent strings to be pressed at the same fret, you can use one finger to fret them both.
For example, open E minor requires the A and D strings to be pressed at the 2nd fret. If your fingers are wide enough, you might be able to press down both strings with your index or middle finger.
This is how 12 string guitars are played - two adjacent strings fretted under one finger, but 12 strings produce a very specific type of sound (a chorus effect) which you might not always want.
Watch this video for examples of this adjacent-string fretting technique...
Use lighter gauge strings
The thinner the strings, the more space there is between them. However, thinner strings will generally produce a thinner tone, so there's a trade off to consider here - tone vs playability.
With acoustic guitar, you might want to try a relative light gauge such as 11's or even 10's.
With electric, 9's can still produce a decent tone and help with reducing finger obstruction.
Embrace and keep practicing with what you have
It sounds trite, but practice makes perfect. No matter how you're built, you will eventually adapt and grow into your own style of playing.
As a beginner, any disadvantages can be amplified in the mind, but be reassured that having larger fingers will not bother you for very long. The more you play, the more you will find subtle ways of compensating for any perceived disadvantages.
People often overlook the fact that playing style is heavily influenced by our physical qualities, and it actually helps us to shape our unique sound. For example, people with short fingers tend to use techniques such as sliding and box pattern runs typically more than people with long, spidery fingers.
Embrace your physicality and your brain will do a lot of the adaptation work in the background.
I have the fat finger problem, but I also have the problem of finger joints that aren't as long/flexible as other pro players I see. It seems like everyone who plays the guitar has double-jointed fingers and somehow I just lost out on that lottery.
I keep trying to put my thumb in the middle of the neck so I can stretch and flex my fingers to do a simple C bar chord, but I can't even manage that, let alone more complex bar chords.
Are there exercises I can do to improve flexibility?
Square Hands By: Thick Fingers
Will respect to those giving advice Everywhere, Nobody has Considered The Hand / Wrist Profile. I Struggle (BUT WILL CONTINUE). Most Players have Rectangular Profile Hand / Wrists. For Someone like me with Square Hand / Wrist Profile & Chisel Finger Tips to go to a wider neck just means I can only play different chords on different guitars. I'm OK with chords of 2 fret spread but go beyond that & they sound like a Mouthful Of Grass ! I love guitars & have a collection. It was only today that I discovered an Advantage of my Telecaster, as it has a Curved Fingerboard. This has Improved things & gives me More Space Without The Extra Width ! If I have To Spread And Or Bunch Up At The Same Time My Square Profile Can't Go In Both Directions At once. Yes The More You Do The Better You Get & that Includes Toughened Finger Tips Now That Don't Sink Into The Stings As Much so I Don't Have To Press Or Stretch as Much As before. The Bass still Has It's Appeal I must admit. DON'T FORGET THE CURVED FINGERBOARD...It might help Too !
Big Lou Guitars By: Mauro Silva
Does anybody know about this guitar?
1 7/8″ nut width and 8mm string spacing
Flamenco guitarNEW By: Ray
A flamenco guitar has double the neck width and three nylon strings with three steel strings.
Ray Baksh
2015NEW By: Big Daddy
For Electric guitarists who do not know this, Gibson made wider fretboards on almost all guitars from the USA shop in 2015. These were not well received by the purists and the 2015s (like the LP Standard) are among the cheapest of the Gibson LPs for this reason. My Big Handed brothers should not shy away from the 2015s. They are actually great guitars if you do not mind the 1.79" (vs 1.69 normally) nut width. i find them perfect for my xxl hands and again they are cheaper! 2016 Les Paul HPs had slightly larger nut widths as well at 1.74" Those are great too but the 2015 models are "where it is at" for those with huge hands.
Large fingers NEW By: JBB
Contact Warmouth guitar necks....
They make custom WIDE necks...
Arthritis on my point fingerNEW By: James
Anyone got a solution to a problem I have which is I have developed arthritis on my first finger which has me playing through the pain barrier. I also have fat fingers so that adds to my frustrations and I feel like jacking in playing the guitar but I never want to as I have been playing it for just under 50 years. Sometimes I feel that someone up there has a grievance against me. Any suggestions would be appreciated...
Lazy left hand By: Chris
Over many years I developed a bad habit of resting the guitar neck in the web between my thumb and index finger. Elbow too high, wrist not wrapped enough. Playing strings with the side of my fingers. Works ok for backup rhythm guitar but not so great when it's time to step forward.
I'm having to relearn a new hand position that lowers my elbow and allows my left hand fingertips to contact the strings. It's uncomfortable but I'm working through it. Hopefully those newer guitar players on here don't develop bad habits that take effort to unlearn.
Go slow, learn correct arm/elbow/wrist positions to avoid unlearning bad habits.
HelpfulNEW By: Anonymous
Thank you for the wise words. It’s been a little frustrating not hearing clear strumming on my new acoustic steel string guitar. I’m going to keep practicing until I get it.